Intake Officer
Mel decided to make a career change and joined the Klint team in June 2023. She is based in our Forest Hill Clinic. Mel spent 14 months prior to that working with the team at Klint Kids and has transitioned into adult services in an expanded role working as one of our Intake Officers.
Mel has a passion for communicating and interacting with people. She is looking forward to building and nurturing new relationships within the Healthcare industry.
Mel’s clinical experience comes from 14 years in the veterinary industry as both a senior nurse and practice manager prior to taking on her biggest role as a mother to three beautiful boys.
Mel weekends are full of sport and children’s activities and spending time with friends and family.
We offer expert neurological therapy services to help adults and adolescents recover from conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, inner ear and nerves.
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