Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder affecting approximately 1 in 100 children, most commonly in boys. ASD has replaced the previous terms “Autistic Disorder”, “Asperger’s Disorder” and “Pervasive Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified”. It’s marked by social communication difficulties and restricted or repetitive behaviours or interests.
Parents often worry that there won’t be any improvement in their child’s abilities. This is not true. Dependent on a child’s needs, a strong, multidisciplinary team can typically help your child gain a greater level of independence and functional ability.

Common challenges:
Rare use of language to communicate
Unresponsive when spoken to
Not mimicking or understanding gestures
Decreased facial expressions for communication
Low interest in forming and maintaining relationships
Not engaging in imaginative play
Narrow and intense interests
Intense need for routine
Difficulty with task transitions
Sensory sensitivities
Repeating activities
Movement impairments (e.g. low tone, poor co-ordination, toe walking)
The role of the paediatric neurological physiotherapist in ASD:
Neurological physiotherapy can help address many physical aspects of ASD. A tailored neurological rehabilitation program designed by paediatric neurological physiotherapists can assist your child in working on their coordination, gross motor movements and motor planning. There is also some evidence supporting physiotherapy for helping calm a child with ASD. Paediatric neurological physiotherapists are physiotherapists with additional training and expertise in treating problems related to neurodevelopment. Paediatric neurological physiotherapists can work in a transdisciplinary manner to not only improve physical function, but also integrate behaviour management and reinforce positive language and socialisation skills. ASD is best managed with a multi-disciplinary team approach. We can assist you in building an optimal team of health professionals.

What our skilled therapists can offer:
Take a family-centered approach that is goal-focused and targeted
Adopt a flexible communication manner to best match the child’s behavioural responses
Adopt a flexible communication manner to best match the child’s behavioural responses
Design of a personalised neurological rehabilitation program that is holistic and considers the 24 hour routine
Provide hands-on treatment (when appropriate and tolerated) to teach your child how to move better or more efficiently
Provide advice on motor and visuospatial skill development and take home programs to develop them further
Liaise with your child's network (e.g. kindergarten, school, other therapists) as appropriate

Frequently Asked Questions
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex developmental condition that involves persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviours. The effects of ASD and the severity of symptoms are different in each person.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation that includes observing the individual’s behaviour, developmental history assessments, and sometimes, standardized testing. No single medical test can diagnose autism; it’s about understanding the individual as a whole.
Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder can often be observed by 18 months of age or younger. By age two, a diagnosis by an experienced professional can be considered very reliable. However, many children may not receive a final diagnosis until much older.
Early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder include limited eye contact, little to no smiling or social responsiveness, delayed language skills, and repetitive behaviours. Each child is unique, though, and may exhibit different patterns of behaviour.
Yes, adults can be diagnosed with ASD. Some individuals may receive a diagnosis in adulthood if their symptoms were not recognized in childhood or were misdiagnosed.
There is no cure for Autism Spectrum Disorder, but early intervention and tailored therapies can significantly improve the quality of life for those with autism. Therapies may include behavioural, educational, speech, and occupational therapies.
The exact cause of ASD is unknown, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Research indicates that there may be several different genes involved in ASD.
Families can support a member with Autism Spectrum Disorder by learning as much as they can about autism, seeking out support groups or counselling, and working closely with educators and therapists to understand and meet the individual’s needs.
Many individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder can lead independent, fulfilling lives. The level of independence can vary widely among individuals and is often helped by supportive education and intervention programs designed to meet each person’s specific needs.
Many individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder experience sensory processing disorder, meaning they may be overly sensitive or under-responsive to sensory stimuli. This can affect their behaviour and focus. Tailored sensory integration therapy can help manage these sensitivities.