6 Novel Ways to Train your Balance
Now that you are avoiding the most common balance retraining pitfalls, I would like to share with you my 6 novel ways of helping people improving their balance.
Now that you are avoiding the most common balance retraining pitfalls, I would like to share with you my 6 novel ways of helping people improving their balance.
Sometimes, doing so much is actually detrimental for our patients and I can think of one classic example being balance retraining.
Many stroke patients of ours have trouble with reaching and grasping objects with their more affected hemiplegic arm.
In clinical practice, we see this all the time. The ability to learn something well depends on how well encoded the person’s brain is in interpreting your instructions and applying itself to the task
Balance involves the ongoing interaction between seeing, feeling and orientation in space, and is underpinned by the visual, somatosensory and vestibular systems.
The body is a complex creature with millions and millions of connections that come from the brain and spread throughout the nervous system.
Mental imagery has received much attention in the scientific literature because it’s been shown to be helpful in neurological and pain rehabilitation.
Few of us stop to understand fully what is involved in walking, an activity we often take for granted, until something goes wrong. In people with a neurological condition, returning to normal walking can be a challenging task.
A nerve is a cord like structure that is made up bundles of conductive tissue that forms the peripheral nervous system. Before they branch off from the brain and spinal cord to become nerves, they are called tracts.
In this 3 part series, you will learn about what the vestibular system actually is, what questions are important to ask during assessment and lastly how you actually recover from it.
Hydrotherapy is often a popular adjunct to Physiotherapy due to the benefits that water has on the body that land doesn’t offer. But what is Hydrotherapy? Is it the same as water exercises or water aerobics?
I began to do a bit of research of my own into the idea of music therapy for people with neurological conditions.
In the field of Parkinson’s therapy, there’s a bit of a mini revolution coming on the past few years around dancing. Finally, therapy get sexy!
We offer expert neurological therapy services to help adults and adolescents recover from conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, inner ear and nerves.
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